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" "Eros Is More"] is a beautifully masterful collection . . . In this book we are in the hands of two generous and beautiful poets."--Aracelis GirmayBauer's Spanish to English translations empower the spirit of "Eros Is More," highlighting Gonzalez-Iglesias' playfulness and position as agent provocateur. These poems immerse the Classical within modern, urban landscapes, and redefine our interconnectedness across the ages. Language, love, and faith are central performers. Bauer masterfully emboldens them within these wise, compassionate translations. These poems wash us in fierce, unwavering love."Arte Poetica": "Si no quieres quedarte a mirar la tormentaYo la miro por ti.""Ars Poetica": "If you don't want to stay and watch the stormI will watch it for you."Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Iglesias (Salamanca, 1964) is a professor of Latin Philology at the University of Salamanca, Spain. In addition to "Eros es mas," other collections of poetry include "Olimpicas" (El Gaviero Ediciones, 2005), and most recently, "Del lado del amor: Poesia reunida 1994-2009" (Visor, 2010). "Eros es mas" was selected by El Cultural, El Mundo as the best collection of poetry in Spain in 2007.Curtis Bauer is the author of three poetry collections: his first, "Fence Line," won the John Ciardi Poetry Prize; "Spanish Sketchbook" is a bilingual English/Spanish collection published by Ediciones en Huida in Seville, Spain; and "The Real Cause for Your Absence" was published by C&R Press in 2013. His poems and translations have appeared in "The Southern Review," "The Indiana Review," "The Common," and "The American Poetry Review," among others. He is the publisher and editor of Q Ave Press Chapbooks, the Spanish translations editor for "From the Fishouse," and teaches Creative Writing and Translation at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas and Seville, Spain., " "Eros Is More"] is a beautifully masterful collection. . . . In this book we are in the hands of two generous and beautiful poets."--Aracelis GirmayCurtis Bauer's Spanish to English translations empower the spirit of "Eros Is More," highlighting Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Iglesias' playfulness and position as agent provocateur. These poems immerse the classical within modern, urban landscapes, and redefine our interconnectedness across the ages. Language, love, and faith are central performers. Bauer masterfully emboldens them within these wise, compassionate translations. These poems wash us in fierce, unwavering love."Arte Poetica": "Si no quieres quedarte a mirar la tormentaYo la miro por ti.""Ars Poetica": "If you don't want to stay and watch the stormI will watch it for you."Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Iglesias (Salamanca, 1964) is a professor of Latin philology at the University of Salamanca, Spain. In addition to "Eros es mas," other collections of poetry include "Olimpicas" (El Gaviero Ediciones, 2005), and most recently, "Del lado del amor: Poesia reunida 1994-2009" (Visor, 2010). "Eros es mas" was selected by "El Cultural, El Mundo" as the best collection of poetry in Spain in 2007.Curtis Bauer is the author of three poetry collections: his first, "Fence Line," won the John Ciardi Poetry Prize; "Spanish Sketchbook" is a bilingual English/Spanish collection published by Ediciones en Huida in Seville, Spain; and "The Real Cause for Your Absence" was published by C&R Press in 2013. His poems and translations have appeared in the "Southern Review," the "Indiana Review," the "Common," and the "American Poetry Review," among others. He is the publisher and editor of Q Ave Press Chapbooks, the Spanish translations editor for "From the Fishouse," and teaches creative writing and translation at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and Seville, Spain., "[ Eros Is More ] is a beautifully masterful collection . . . In this book we are in the hands of two generous and beautiful poets."--Aracelis Girmay Bauer's Spanish to English translations empower the spirit of Eros Is More , highlighting Gonzalez-Iglesias' playfulness and position as agent provocateur. These poems immerse the Classical within modern, urban landscapes, and redefine our interconnectedness across the ages. Language, love, and faith are central performers. Bauer masterfully emboldens them within these wise, compassionate translations. These poems wash us in fierce, unwavering love. "Arte Poética": Si no quieres quedarte a mirar la tormenta Yo la miro por ti. "Ars Poetica": If you don't want to stay and watch the storm I will watch it for you. Juan Antonio González-Iglesias (Salamanca, 1964) is a professor of Latin Philology at the University of Salamanca, Spain. In addition to Eros es más , other collections of poetry include Olímpicas (El Gaviero Ediciones, 2005), and most recently, Del lado del amor: Poesía reunida 1994--2009 (Visor, 2010). Eros es más was selected by El Cultural, El Mundo as the best collection of poetry in Spain in 2007. Curtis Bauer is the author of three poetry collections: his first, Fence Line , won the John Ciardi Poetry Prize; Spanish Sketchbook is a bilingual English/Spanish collection published by Ediciones en Huida in Seville, Spain; and The Real Cause for Your Absence was published by C&R Press in 2013. His poems and translations have appeared in The Southern Review , The Indiana Review , The Common , and The American Poetry Review , among others. He is the publisher and editor of Q Ave Press Chapbooks, the Spanish translations editor for From the Fishouse , and teaches Creative Writing and Translation at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas and Seville, Spain., "[ Eros Is More ] is a beautifully masterful collection. . . . In this book we are in the hands of two generous and beautiful poets."-Aracelis GirmayCurtis Bauer's Spanish to English translations empower the spirit of Eros Is More, highlighting Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Iglesias' playfulness and position as agent provocateur. These poems immerse the classical within modern, urban landscapes, and redefine our interconnectedness across the ages. Language, love, and faith are central performers. Bauer masterfully emboldens them within these wise, compassionate translations. These poems wash us in fierce, unwavering love. "Arte Potica": Si no quieres quedarte a mirar la tormentaYo la miro por ti. "Ars Poetica": If you don't want to stay and watch the stormI will watch it for you. Juan Antonio Gonzlez-Iglesias (Salamanca, 1964) is a professor of Latin philology at the University of Salamanca, Spain. In addition to Eros es ms, other collections of poetry include Olmpicas (El Gaviero Ediciones, 2005), and most recently, Del lado del amor: Poesa reunida 1994-2009 (Visor, 2010). Eros es ms was selected by El Cultural, El Mundo as the best collection of poetry in Spain in 2007. Curtis Bauer is the author of three poetry collections: his first, Fence Line, won the John Ciardi Poetry Prize; Spanish Sketchbook is a bilingual English/Spanish collection published by Ediciones en Huida in Seville, Spain; and The Real Cause for Your Absence was publishedby C&R Press in 2013. His poems and translations have appeared in the Southern Review, the Indiana Review, the Common, and the American Poetry Review, among others. He is the publisher and editor of Q Ave Press Chapbooks, the Spanish translations editor for From the Fishouse, and teaches creative writing and translation at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and Seville, Spain., "[ Eros Is More ] is a beautifully masterful collection." - Aracelis Girmay, Bauer's Spanish to English translations empower the spirit of Eros Is More , highlighting Gonzalez-Iglesias' playfulness and position as agent provocateur. These poems immerse the Classical within modern, urban landscapes, and redefines our interconnectedness across the ages. Language, love, and faith are central performers. Bauer masterfully emboldens them within these wise, compassionate translations. These poems wash us in fierce, unwavering love.

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